> 春节2024 > 大年三十没回家怎么办英语





Today is the so-called New Year\'s Eve. 今天是所谓的大年三十。

On this special day, families come together to celebrate and welcome the arrival of the new year. People often gather for a festive dinner, exchange gifts, and set off fireworks to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck for the upcoming year. The atmosphere is filled with joy and excitement.


My Spring Festival

Last year’s Spring Festival is special. It was a time of reunion and celebration for my family. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai, and we were all thrilled to have them with us.

During the day, we cleaned the house and made all the necessary preparations. In the evening, we all gathered around the dining table to enjoy a delicious feast. We exchanged red envelopes filled with money, which is a traditional way to share good fortune with our loved ones.

The highlight of the evening was the fireworks display. We went outside and set off colorful fireworks to welcome the new year. The sky was lit up with bright flashes and loud sounds, creating a magical atmosphere. It was truly a memorable night.


不明确 然而,在全球范围这个问题的答案并不明确。大年初二是中国传统春节期间的一个特殊节日,因此在英语国家中并没有特别规定的名称或庆祝方式。然而,在全球范围内,民中,人们或多或少地会意识到中国的春节这个重要节日,许多华人社区也会举办相应的庆祝活动。


也就是说2022年春节没有三十,不过,今年过年没有三十,按历年的传统习俗,腊月二十九就是除夕之夜了, 当然,正月初一日也将正式为2022年春节这个老传统始终是...

Although there is no \"New Year\'s Eve\" on the 30th of January in 2022, it doesn\'t mean that the celebration of the Chinese New Year will be skipped. In accordance with the traditional customs, the evening of the 29th day of the last lunar month is considered New Year\'s Eve. On this day, families gather for a grand reunion dinner, exchange blessings, and participate in various festive activities.

On the first day of the lunar year, the celebrations continue with visits to relatives and friends, as well as participating in cultural performances and traditional temple fairs. The festive atmosphere lasts for 15 days until the Lantern Festival, which marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations.


Chinese New Year approaching, the family will do some preparation work, cleaning, making arrangements for decorations, purchasing traditional New Year goods, and preparing special festive dishes such as the New Year cake (nian gao).

On New Year\'s Eve, the whole family gathers together to enjoy a festive feast. The dinner table is filled with a variety of delicious dishes, symbolizing abundance and good luck. It is a time for family members to express their love and gratitude towards each other and to celebrate the unity and harmony of the family.


It\'s Chinese New Year\'s Eve, and our family gathers together to celebrate this special occasion. The day starts with cleaning and decorating the house, making sure everything looks fresh and festive.

In the evening, we prepare a sumptuous feast with traditional dishes such as fish, dumplings, and sticky rice cakes. Each dish symbolizes good luck and prosperity for the coming year. We also exchange red envelopes filled with money, a symbol of good fortune and blessings.

After dinner, we enjoy fireworks and firecrackers to drive away evil spirits and welcome a prosperous year ahead. It is a joyful and lively atmosphere filled with laughter and excitement.


Spring Festival is a very important holiday in China, which falls usually in February. During the festivity, families come together to celebrate, reflect on the past year, and welcome the new year with hope and joy.

The Spring Festival holiday lasts for 15 days, starting from January 21st to February 19th. It is a time for people to pay visits to friends and relatives, exchange greetings and blessings, and enjoy traditional activities such as dragon dances, lantern festivals, and temple fairs.


二十三糖瓜粘(Twenty-three sticky candy gourds). 二十四扫房子 (Twenty-four house cleaning). 二十五做豆腐 (Twenty-five making tofu). 二十六煮煮肉 (Twenty-six boiling meat). 二十七 水灌稻 (Twenty-seven watering the rice). 二十八 打鸡巴 (Twenty-eight setting off firecrackers). 二十九 过年 (Twenty-nine New Year\'s Eve). 大年初一 扭一扭 (The first day of the lunar year-twisting).


春节在中国是一个非常重要的节日. 在中国,春节假期从1月21日至2月19日,总共15天假期. 最后,在大年30的午夜,人们关上所有店铺,整个街上空无一人,所有的焰火都冲向天空。

The Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the most important holiday for Chinese people. It is a time to reunite with family, pay respect to ancestors, and welcome the new year with good wishes and celebrations.

The Spring Festival holiday lasts for 15 days, starting from January 21st to February 19th. It is a time for people to travel back to their hometowns, enjoy festive meals, exchange gifts, and participate in cultural activities.

On the 30th day of the lunar month, at midnight, all the stores close, and the streets become quiet. People gather to watch fireworks and welcome the new year with joy and enthusiasm.


Last year\'s Spring Festival is special. It was a time of joy, reunions, and cultural traditions. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai to celebrate with us, adding much excitement to the festivities.

We started our celebrations by thoroughly cleaning the house, hoping to sweep away any bad luck from the previous year. The whole family gathered for a lavish dinner, feasting on a variety of traditional dishes.

During the Spring Festival, we also visited temples, lit incense, and prayed for good fortune. We exchanged red envelopes filled with money, symbolizing prosperity and blessings for the new year.

Overall, it was a memorable and heartwarming Spring Festival, filled with love, joy, and the traditional customs that have been passed down through generations.